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Continuing Education Credits

- Cleveland Clinic Point of Care CME --earn 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 credits for searching the medical literature
1. Go into CINAHL, check the box for CE Module and click Search.
2. A list of available CE modules will display. Click the link to view the CE Module.
3. A new window opens. You must set up a personal account by clicking the Pre-registrationlink.
4. Complete the form. You will receive an email with an "unlock code" before you can enroll.
5. After enrolling with your unlock code, select CINAHL PLus / CINAHL Complete / Nursing Reference Center
6. Click the Accept button after reading the disclaimer to continue.
7. The course materials will display.
8. Click Interactive Review to take a practice test. When ready, click Take Test to receive CE credits.
9. Complete your personal profile to receive your credits, and click Update.
10. Then click Yes, I am ready to take the test.
11. You have 2 opportunities to take and pass the test. After passing, you can download or print a transcript. If you fail both attempts, you cannot receive CE credit for this module, but can try other modules.
ClinicalKey offers Internet Point of Care CME credit for self-directed, structured, online learning.
- Requires personal login to ClinicalKey.
- CME credit provided by the Elsevier Office of Continuing Medical Education, accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).
- Must complete CME activities including the evaluation to receive credit.
- Earn up to 0.5 Medical Knowledge MOC points. Maintenance of Certification (MOC) from the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM).
Get CE credits for searching UpToDate
- Register for a free personal account for UpToDate
- Login to your personal account each time you use UptToDate to track your search activity.
- You can also link your personal UpToDate account to your Epic login. How to Access UpToDate in MyPractice
- CE credits for physicians, nurses, and physician assistants
How to claim CE credits