U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations on screening, counseling, and preventive medication topics on many clinical topics
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Accreditation Information (on campus only)
The Department of Accreditation provides guidance to ensure Cleveland Clinic is continually in compliance with the highest level of quality care and patient safety standards as set by Joint Commission, CMS, NCQA, ODH and other regulatory agencies. Access to regulatory manuals, forms, survey readiness information and more.
All Medical, Nursing and Health Sciences Topics with Broad Subject Coverage
Search for journals provided by the Regional Hospital Libraries by title, subject, or ISSN.
CINAHL Nursing / Allied Health
Search for journal articles on topics in nursing and allied health. This is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals.
Ebooks, ejournals, drug information, guidelines, patient education, multimedia, videos, and more
Search MEDLINE database for basic, clinical, and other health sciences journal articles using the Ovid Advanced Search interface.
PubMed @ Cleveland Clinic Regional Hospitals
Search for journal articles on clinical medicine, nursing, surgery, basic sciences, allied health and more with customized links to full text for Cleveland Clinic. MEDLINE is the main part of PubMed, however PubMed also contains links to articles in PubMed Central and other non-indexed articles.
Stat!Ref provides the following:
- Ebooks in medicine, nursing, and pharmacology
- Stedman's Medical Dictionary
- EBMcalc for medical formulas and decision tree analysis
- ICD-9 and ICD-10 conversion tools
Clinical information in medicine, general surgery, and medical specialties. Also includes calculators, drug information, patient education and more,
Access Anethesiology
E-books, drug information, multimedia, case files, review questions, videos, and clerkship resources in anesthesiology. Alternative spelling: AccessAnesthesiology
Cancer / Oncology
Access HemOnc
E-books, drug information, multimedia, case files, review questions, videos, and clerkship resources in hematology-oncology. Alternative spelling: AccessHemOnc
National Comprehensive Cancer Network NCCN
Guidelines by cancer type, detection, supportive care and more. FREE but must register for a personal account.
Access Cardiology
E-books, drug information, multimedia, case files, review questions, videos, and clerkship resources in cardiology. Alternative spelling: AccessCardiology
Clinical Trials
Cancer Clinical Trials - NCI
Find cancer clinical trials supported by the National Cancer Institute - NCI.
Database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world. Provided by the National Library of Medicine
Cochrane COVID-19 Study Register
Search thousands of studies by intervention, treatment, outcome, and age. Multiple sources include PubMed, ClinicalTrials.gov and more
Consumer Health
Cleveland Clinic Consumer Health Library
Search for diseases, treatments, drugs, diagnostics, testing and more. Find trusted health information reviewed by Cleveland Clinic health professionals.
How to cite
Find information on health, wellness, diseases, drugs, tests, and more. Links to organizations and directories to find health professionals, services and facilities. Produced by the National Library of Medicine.
Drug Info / Pharmacy
Access Pharmacy
E-books, drug information, multimedia, case files, review questions, videos, and clerkship resources in pharmacy. Alternative spelling: AccessPharmacy
A to Z List of Cancer Drugs - National Cancer Institute
Consumer-friendly information about drugs approved to treat cancer from the National Cancer Institute.
Environmental Topics and Databases | Environmental Protection Agency EPA
Information on air, climate change, chemicals, greener living, health, land waste, water and more.
Food & Drug Administration - FDA
Find information on food safety, recalls, drug approvals, drug safety, drug regulatory information, medical devices, vaccines, and more. Alternative name: US FDA, US Food & Drug Administration
Herbs and Supplements - MedlinePlus
Alphabetic list of herbs and supplements with information on its use, safety, and efficacy.
LactMed -- Drugs and Lactation Database
Contains information on drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. Includes information on the levels of such substances in breast milk and infant blood, and the possible adverse effects in the nursing infant. Suggested therapeutic alternatives to those drugs are provided, where appropriate. All data are derived from the scientific literature and fully referenced. A peer review panel reviews the data to assure scientific validity and currency.
MedlinePlus Drugs & Supplements
Information about prescriptions drugs and over the counter medicines from the US National Library of Medicine. Separate section on Herbs and Supplements.
Natural Medicines
Information on dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary alternative and integrative therapies
UpToDate Lexidrug (formerly Lexicomp)
Search for information on drugs, IV compatibility, interactions, drug identifications, calculators, and more
Available on campus only!
Emergency Medicine
Access Emergency Medicine
E-books, drug information, multimedia, case files, review questions, videos, and clerkship resources in emergency medicine. Alternative spelling: AccessEmergencyMedicine or AccessEmergency Medicine
Evidence Based Practice / Guidelines
2023-2024 ASPAN Perianesthesia Nursing Standards, Practice Recommendations and Interpretive Statements
Contains principles of safety and ethics in perianesthesia practice, practice standards, practice recommendations, position statements, resources from partnering organizations, and interpretive statements which provide clarity and definition to key elements of the standards.
American Heart Assoc CPR & ECC Guidelines
Adult and pediatric guidelines for CPR and emergency cardiovascular care by the American Heart Association.
Cochrane Library
Search Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Cochrane Protocols, and Cochrane Clinical Answers
Guideline Central
Access to AHRQ Guidelines. Not updated since July 16, 2018 when the National Guideline Clearinghouse was closed.
Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice, 9th ed, 2024
Infusion therapy standards published by the Infusion Nurses Society in the Journal of Infusion Nursing. Citation: Nickel, B., Gorski, L., Kleidon, T., Kyes, A., DeVries, M., Keogh, S., Meyer, B., Sarver, M., Crickman, R., Ong, J., Clare, S. & Hagle, M. (2024). Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice, 9th Edition. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 47 (1S), S1-S285. doi: 10.1097/NAN.0000000000000532. PMID: 38211609.
Evidence based practice information including Users' Guides to the Medical Literature, the Rational Clinical Examination, education guides, calculators, learning tools, and more
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Find pathways, guidance, standards, and indicators published by the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE
U.S Preventive Services Task Force
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is an independent, volunteer panel of national experts in disease prevention and evidence-based medicine. The Task Force works to improve the health of all Americans by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services.
Library Tools for Full Text
Search for journals provided by the Regional Hospital Libraries by title, subject, or ISSN.
DOI and Pubmed Find Articles
Find full text by typing a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or PubMed ID (PMID) using the search box on the home page.
Access Medicine
E-books, drug information, multimedia, case files, review questions, videos, and clerkship resources in medicine. Alternative spelling: AccessMedicine
LitCovid tracks up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus, COVID-19. Most comprehensive resource on the subject, providing a central access to research articles in PubMed. Updated daily.
Access Neurology
E-books, drug information, multimedia, case files, review questions, videos, and clerkship resources in neurology. Alternative spelling: AccessNeurology
Nursing / Allied Health
2023-2024 ASPAN Perianesthesia Nursing Standards, Practice Recommendations and Interpretive Statements
Contains principles of safety and ethics in perianesthesia practice, practice standards, practice recommendations, position statements, resources from partnering organizations, and interpretive statements which provide clarity and definition to key elements of the standards.
AORN e-Guidelines
Find Guidelines for Perioperative Practice, tools, and FAQs published by AORN, Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses
CINAHL Nursing / Allied Health
Search for journal articles on topics in nursing and allied health. This is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals.
Lippincott Advisor
Clinical information on diseases, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatments, procedures, guidelines, drugs, care planning, and more with a nursing and allied health focus
Lippincott Learning
Contains CE and certification review resources for nursing. Please note that the library cannot assist with login credentials for this product. Contact lippincott@ccf.org with any questions about login credentials or access to the product.
National Rehabilitation Information Center NARIC
Find information, databases, and resources on rehabilitation, disability, and independent living
OT Seeker - Occupational Therapy
Database that contains abstracts of systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and other resources relevant to occupational therapy interventions.
PEDRO - Physiotherapy Evidence
Database of randomized trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy / physical therapy
Access Pediatrics
E-books, drug information, multimedia, case files, review questions, videos, and clerkship resources in pediatrics. Alternative spelling: AccessPediatrics
Neonatal Resuscitation Ebook Collection
Ebook collection from the American Academy of Pediatrics including guidelines, and the Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP)
Red Book Online: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases
Full text of the latest edition of the Report of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases -- clinical guide to the 200 most common pediatric conditions.
Psychiatry / Psychology
Ebooks, ejournals, guidelines, and patient education from the American Psychiatric Association
Review / Study Materials
BoardVitals Exams
Board reviews and MOC question banks for more than 70 topics in medicine and nursing
Must register for personal account on campus!
AHA Guide - American Hospital Association
Find information on hospitals by name or system for facts like bed size, location, etc.
American Hospital Directory
Find information on hospitals such as bed size, services, utilization, etc. Access to free data only. No subscription.
HCUP Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
Find health statistics, hospital and emergency room utilization, AHRQ quality indicators. View statistics at the state and national levels.
National Center for Health Statistics
Find health statistics, vital records, and data from national surveys. Produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC
Ohio Department of Health
Find public health information, statistics, programs, and regulations from the Ohio Department of Health
Surgery & Surgical Specialties
Access Surgery
E-books, drug information, multimedia, case files, review questions, videos, and clerkship resources in surgery. Alternative spelling: AccessSurgery
Thieme MedOne Neurosurgery Collection
Neurosurgery ebooks, including the newest edition of Greenberg's Handbook of Neurosurgery, case presentations, review question bank, videos, and images.
Writing / Publishing
Citation Management Guide
Learn more about the citation management systems supported by our library, including software descriptions, training resources, and other helpful information.
Instructions to Authors
Find links to web sites which provide instructions to authors for over 6,000 journals in the health and life sciences.
Journal Title Abbreviations
Find journal title abbreviations for journals in PubMed / Ovid MEDLINE / NCBI databases
Open Access Publishing Agreements
This page lists all of Cleveland Clinic libraries' current agreements with publishers that allow CCF authors to publish open access articles for little or no cost in selected journals.
Systematic Review Guide
Learn more about how to conduct a systematic review including links to guidelines, Covidence tutorials, and library services.
Where to Publish
Where to Publish identifies potential publishers for your paper and helps you avoid predatory journals. Enter your topic and receive a ranking of journals based on the number of papers published on that topic. On campus only.
For questions or feedback about Where to Publish, or if you need more than the 200-paper limit, please contact Matt Weaver, Systems Librarian: weaverm2@ccf.org or ext. 57745.